jueves, agosto 27

Central and South America
Travel Story

Antiplano Adventures
by Lynda Lovett.

1-what suggestions do you have to visit this place before?

2-how many people did travel?

3-how was Buenos Aires city?

4-why did they cancel flight?

5-what other countries and places did they visit?

which place you would prefer to visit?

I prefer to visit South America becouse it's the new world is the best continent,the most populary around the world it looks like an interesting place and it has a wonderful vegetation and places,fresh air if you want can do different sport for example snowboard,windsurfing,sailing,mountaineering etc.
I always find people are so funny and travel for around of south America is fun.
you can travel safari city for Brazil or round trip one way for Peru but my fovorite country is Chile becouse is confortable, cheap each city in here.the other hand Suth America is quaint and prosperous I've spent so good time on research into different places and I believe that is the continent endless.

jueves, agosto 20

City or Countryside

I´d rather live in countryside than city becouse it is absolutely facinated and pleasant of air is fresh, the places are very quiet and the people is very warn I hope some day live in here with my family.


- you get fresh air
-there are a lot vegetation
-you can hear to sound of the birds
-you can breed your own animals
-you can cultivate your own vegetable and eat it
-people are very nice there
-the stylelife is very properous

- there isn't drinking water and electricity
-there isn't means of transport
-there a bit of tecnology
-In this place rains a lot
-there aren't grocer's shop near here
-it on the night is really dull


-you have supermarket,pharmacy,mall,school near of your house
-you can look people all day
-there is a lot tecnology
-for on the night is very amusing there are a lot at restaurante and bar
-there are landmark in each place and very quaint


-there is a lot air pollution,noise pollution and invironmental pollution
-there are a lot shabby building
-there are a lot delinquency and drugs
-the stylelife of people is very stressful
-you can't walk too late on the night becouse you could be robing

web mail:message

Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service of Shopping trip to Boulogne and Hypermarket.

Firstly, when I went to buy some milk and craker at 9.30 pm in the hypermarket,it has crowded, and long queues at chekouts.I paid my product and there was a mistake on the price and went to talk with the boss but he didn't give me an answer. it took me a lot time and I missed my taxi and got home at 11.30 pm!.

Furthermore,the coach took 1 hour arrive at Boulogne the air-conditioning wasn`t working and into of it was very hot as well there weren't cold drinks I fed up with all this.

when I got there to Boulogne at the restaurants was closed and anybody gave me an explanation and I had paid $50 for have lunch in another place.

Finally,I want to pay back all my money and never come back the Brighton Marina Coaches.


Paula Monsalve