City or Countryside
I´d rather live in countryside than city becouse it is absolutely facinated and pleasant of air is fresh, the places are very quiet and the people is very warn I hope some day live in here with my family.
- you get fresh air
-there are a lot vegetation
-you can hear to sound of the birds
-you can breed your own animals
-you can cultivate your own vegetable and eat it
-people are very nice there
-the stylelife is very properous
- there isn't drinking water and electricity
-there isn't means of transport
-there a bit of tecnology
-In this place rains a lot
-there aren't grocer's shop near here
-it on the night is really dull
-you have supermarket,pharmacy,mall,school near of your house
-you can look people all day
-there is a lot tecnology
-for on the night is very amusing there are a lot at restaurante and bar
-there are landmark in each place and very quaint
-there is a lot air pollution,noise pollution and invironmental pollution
-there are a lot shabby building
-there are a lot delinquency and drugs
-the stylelife of people is very stressful
-you can't walk too late on the night becouse you could be robing
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